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What Makes a Good Contract?

October 1, 2002 Trusts & Estates

Many clients have misconceptions about the preparation of contracts. Some believe that all a lawyer does to prepare a contract is to insert the names of the parties, push a button, and print out the contract. Others believe it is less expensive if the attorney for the other side prepares…

Keeping Your Estate Planning Up to Date

October 1, 2002 Trusts & Estates

You never know when you are going to need that estate plan. The following is a general guide to reviewing and updating your estate plan. The frequency of following this guide will vary from client to client, but we suggest that you contact us at least once every two years…

Pro-Active Protections for Employers

October 1, 2002 Litigation

While there has been a significant increase in employee lawsuits over the last 10 years, there are still various avenues of protection available to employers. Agree in Advance Regarding Post-Employment Conduct. An employer and employee can agree in advance that an employee will not engage in unfair competition with the…